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Gift Card
  • Gift Card is redeemable towards items sold on CF.com or at CF shops
  • In order to use the gift card, you must have or create a free CF account
  • Gift cards are valid for 12 months from date of receipt.
  • If your total order is less than the value of the Gift Card, the remaining amount will remain in your gift card balance to be used in your next purchases.
  • Gift Cards may not be returned, refunded, redeemed for cash nor used to purchase other Gift Cards.
  • CF shall not bear any liability in case the Gift Card has been lost, stolen, destroyed or used by third parties without permission of the card owner.
  • CF reserves the right to void and cancel Gift Cards if a Gift Card is suspected to be obtained, used, or applied to a CF account fraudulently, unlawfully, or otherwise in violation of these terms and conditions.

Coupon Code
  • Code is valid for a one time use. The Code applies only to items purchased in a single order;
  • Code is limited to one customer and account.
  • Each promotional Code applies only to qualifying items.
  • Code will expire depending on the set Code expiration date.
  • Code is non-transferrable and may not be resold.
  • Products purchased using a promotional Code are subject to our return policy, however the amount
    paid will be refunded to your wallet.
  • Shipping & Return fees may apply to the full value of your order.
  • CF shall not bear any liability in case the Code has been lost, stolen, destroyed or used by third
    party without permission of the Coupon owner.
  • CF reserves the right to void and cancel the Coupon if it is suspected to be obtained, used, or
    applied to a CF account fraudulently, unlawfully, or otherwise in violation of these terms and
  • The Coupon’s holder shall not have the right to claim at any circumstances, and for any reason
    whatsoever, any indemnity, whether moral or material, from CF.com